At what age does it become unacceptable to use the word 'dude' in conversation?
You may think that there is no age at which it is acceptable to use the word 'dude', and you would not be alone in this opinion. The odd thing is, I thought exactly that until I was in my mid twenties, and then, for some reason, it became OK.
I am now in my mid thirties and, the other day, someone responded to my use of the word with the phrase 'how old are you?'. They were right, and it was at this moment that it became apparent to me that all words have a use-by date.
It is worse than that of course, words also have a use-from date. Words like mortgage, retirement and pension for example. The problem is, dictionaries don't contain this information, and I think they should; The government insists that all food stuffs be correctly labeled with this information; so why not words?
The only worry I have is that this will lead to a seedy underground network of 'talking dens' where people go to use illicit words. Sick, sick individuals.
That was like another totally humorous entry dude.
One minor observation. Your incorrect capitilisation of the letter following a semicolon is like totally bugging me out.
In today's entry, you didn't even seem sure whether to capitalise or not, videlicet:
"The problem is, dictionaries don't contain this information, and I think they should; The government insists that all food stuffs be correctly labeled with this information; so why not words?"
Man! Check out that capital variance dude!
Incidentally, I've like totally booked tomorrow off; I guess I'll catch up with you on Monday.
Muhahaha see what I did there dude! I like totally, and legitimately, capitalised after the semicolon, like... like, just to totally confuse you!
Incidentally, if there's a counter tomorrow, I might rock up at the D dude, to like totally claim my beer purchased with the adsense profits.
Like, total regards,
The D00D
Like, totally; dude. I don't know whether to capitalise or not; It's true.
The D is a busted flush. I cannot make it myself. Have a good weekend, guy.
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