01 May 2006

Tyranny from the Seas

Yesterday I went to see the launch of Royal Caribbean's cruise ship, the Freedom of the Seas. It's the world's largest cruise ship and to mark the occasion, there was a free fireworks display.

The launch was at night (fireworks work best at night you see) so the ship, which is very impressive, was beautifully lit up. However, this beauty hides a dark secret, that apparently only I spotted.

The Freedom of the Seas is, in fact, an evil transforming robot. I don't mean any run-of-the-mill evil transforming robot either, it's a Decepticon.

Let me explain, on the funnel of the ship, there is a logo. Most ships have a logo like this and they don't generally indicate anything other than ownership, in fact, I think if I'd seen it during the daytime I would not have given it a second glance, at night however its message is lit up in blue neon glory for all to see 'I am evil, fear me'.

To illustrate the point, I have 2 pictures, on the left is my rendition of the Freedom of the Seas' funnel (the 'neon' is the best I could manage) on the right is the decepticon logo picked out in the same colours.

Coincidence? Seems unlikely doesn't it.


Marts said...

It's like the Da Vinci Code ...


Nice blog - you seem to be getting quite obsessive about it - who'd of thunk it.

You should enable RSS, it would save people having to check manually (and you should use an RSS reader to check mine for updates).

And how come Stu takes the time to add a comment
to your blog, yet totally ignores mine - grrr ;-)


P.S. I've spent the last 2 days sitting by the pool drinking cocktails in the blazing sunshine at the Paris hotel on the strip.
In case you were wondering.

Cuth said...

Obsessive? Me? I think you are probably thinking of someone else.

OK - I am now feeling really, really envious. I hope you get sunburn and the waiters are authentic (i.e. French)