25 May 2006

Big Borether

You should know something about me, I'm very faddy. I am guessing, that if you're reading this blog you probably already realised that I get heavily into something for a while, really enjoy it, and then get bored.

Well, it didn't take long, but I think I've reached the end of my teather with Big Brother. All the interesting people are walking, or have walked, out of the house. The ones that are left are tedious and not in the least bit compelling to watch.

From what I've seen, Pete is going to win it, he's the guy suffering from tourettes.

It's made me interested in finding out more about tourettes. I saw a really interesting looking book about it at Amazon, Don't think about Monkeys which I might get, but it hasn't made me want to sit glued to the TV for the next 3 months!

Fear not dear readers, I'm back.

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