30 April 2006


I don't know if you are familiar with the concept of Googlewhacking - the art of finding a single hit on google for any 2 valid words, but, it occurred to me, that if you look at the whack-stack, which is a listing of the latest, current google whacks and include them in your web page, 2 things would happen.
  1. The googlewhack would become immediately invalid (well, if google ever looked at your page).
  2. Your page would get increased traffic because of the people retesting the whack.

Now, I am a big fan of Dave Gorman (I even paid to see his Googlewhack tour when it came through my town), and I don't want to ruin his idea, but theories are for testing, so, I'm going to test it.

If you were brought here because you tried a googlewhack and found 2 hits, please leave me a comment... Here goes...

  • boudoirs wideawakeness (Laura)
  • singlewides teleshop (Anonymous)
  • spearfisher tomen (Laura)
  • illusionless hydro (kainaM_ediciuS)
  • teleshopper veal (Rachel M Woolcott)

Interesting, the people who find these are referred to as 'Hacks' - so I guess I'm hacking the hacks.


Stumow said...

I thought the very same thing after watching Dave's show. Just by putting the google-whacks on his page, he was invalidating them (at least after google has indexed the page). I guess it just shows his ownership of them really, but yeah, good point :)

Cuth said...

Aparently, they explicitly don't index the 'Whack Stack' - which is where known whacks are stored!

I still think it's a simple way to generate traffic to a site... a little bit unkind, but whatever.