03 May 2006

Fone a Phriend

It has been pointed out that I referred to a work colleague earlier as a friend. This was clearly wrong. As everyone knows, people you know through work are never proper friends.

Friends are people you know through any other means - even people you only know online. Work colleagues are, at best, phriends.

The definition of a phriend, 'A term used to describe a person with fake friend qualities; an enemy', is stunningly accurate when applied to anyone at work. Phriends are, after all, the competition. Oh, they may make idle chit-chat and go down the pub occasionally, but all the while, you know they're really thinking about how best to bag you out to the boss.

So, from this day forward, I pledge never to mix up my phriends and my friends - in fact, I think I'll go and fix the earlier blog before any further confusion arises. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, although I strongly suspect there was an ulterior motive to you doing so.

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